How To Improve Gut Health

How To Improve Gut Health

Why is gut health important? The Gastrointestinal (GI) tract plays an important role in sustaining good quality health. Your gut consists of bacteria that help the body process food and maintain homeostasis, which maintains internal stability and overall well-being. External factors such as the environment, yo-yo dieting,

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You Don’t Need To Detox!

You don’t need to do a detox diet in January! BUT ‘ A detox diet makes you healthier, and I have more energy’ Well it stops you from eating rubbish in the first place, so course you’re going to have more energy, as you’ve most likely just

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Snacking In The Workplace

Work, cake, sit, repeat! Does this work-rhythm sound familiar to you? When another colleague celebrates their birthday with cake, followed by an afternoon spent mostly sitting, our energy depletes quickly leaving us tired and less productive. Discover ways on how to prepare healthy snacks, incorporate some exercise

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Your Fitness Journey: One step forward one step back

This entry is for everyone out there that is currently struggling with their fitness goals, and for this entry I am going to focus on weight loss. Sadly today the weight loss industry is made up mostly of companies marketing various different diet plans, weight loss supplements

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